Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Can We Talk: Filling the Void

For the past couple of months I had been feeling like something was missing, like I wasn't doing enough, but I wasn't sure what was missing and how to fill the void. While being in graduate school is great and it's where I want to be, I also have other goals, desires, and have gifts that I have been ignoring or suppressing. I haven't been reaching my full potential.  Basically, the emptiness I was feeling was from being complacent; not doing enough with my talents, especially my love for writing, and fashion has always been about more than clothes to me, fashion can be in many ways be art. Doing this blog makes me feel very alive and like I'm on the right track. I had been wanting to do a blog for years but could never think of anything that I cared or felt comfortable enough to write about and present to a mass amount of people. NOW HERE I AM. Doing this blog happened at this time for a reason. Is there anything that is coincidental? I don't think so. I'll learn something from doing this, and I hope that it grows into something far beyond its current state.

Even before beginning the blog with ChiomaB I began filling the void by submitting articles to an online blog called "Keeping Up With the Huxtables at I could go on about why I love the blog but I'll be brief. Simply put, the creator, The Socialite, has made a platform to uplift members of the African American community by showcasing young black professionals and informing and educating others. Everything about the sight reflects an individual who is passionate and serious about what she does. Check out the site's mission statement: is a blog that focuses on the African American dream. We strive to provide the fastest and easiest way for you to "Keep Up" with what is going on in our community. We bring you a positive spin on our leaders, urban hotspots, hottest events to attend, talent in our own backyard, issues that effect us and solutions to our problems. We hope to inspire and motivate the lifestyles and careers of people all over the post at a time!
Check out the articles I've written so far for Keeping Up With the Huxtables:

(A personal friend from college whom I'm very proud of!)

Explore the sight in it's entirety and you will love it as instantly as I did.

I encourage anyone reading this to also pursue what they're passion about and what they've been given a talent to do. Reach your full potential. It's so easy to settle into complacency, however even then you still feel the tug on your heart and hear the nagging in your mind that you could be doing and being something more. We ignore that feeling and nagging for many reasons: laziness, the trappings of our daily life tire us, fear of failure or success, feeling that what we have to offer isn't good enough or that even if it is good enough there's no one who will care to listen and we don't want to try to convince them why they should. We fail to realize, in this instant gratification and individualistic society, that our efforts will be worth it in the end. We may not receive credit or praise for it right away, or even at all, but that's when we have to learn that our peace of mind for doing what we feel we should do or love is all that we should expect and hope for. Anything more is really not guaranteed.

Follow Kyle, The Socialite and I on Twitter!
Kyle @KOCP
The Socialite @Imkeepingup


1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that you have found a way to fill your void. You are an amazing writer, and I am excited to read more of what you have to say on here and if you continue to contribute to my blog. I am so honored that I was able to help you fill your void. Thank you for the compliments on my blog. I am confident that you will continue to inspire people!
