Chioma B and I added an 'About Us' page so check it out. Moving on...
I read a poem on
TheCultureCynic's blog and HAD to repost it here. I'd advise all of you to check her out, her style is phenomenal and she's very creative; she's definitely an asset to anyone's blogging list. If you visit her blog make sure you let her know that we sent you!
Clicking on the poem's title will take you directly to her post with the poem so if you make any comments here don't forget to also go to her page and let her know how you feel.
Enjoy :=)
I don't like the idea of being able to figure someone out based on the clothes they wear
I hate style labels....Obvious Identifers
Prep, Punk, Rockstar, word anything bugs me..
Style should be more complex than that..
Style should inspire interest beyond the limitations of someone else's expecations
Style should be a combination of everything that ever inspired you and will inspire you...
It is in your mind, it is not of the is everything and nothing..
to subscribe to one particular 'style' is limiting and BORING
Studs don't make you punk
Rhianna hair doesn't give you edge
Tatoos don't make one hard
people are so eager to carve out a style 'niche' when they could be exploring ...
refuse to be categorized into a box
Style is subjective, you don't have to be everyone's cup of tea
or be something you are not...
People place so much emphasis on mass appeal..
'Just 'cause everybody likes it don't make it cool'
Cool is what you make it
I like style contradictions
I wanna see rockstars in urban clothes
i wanna see rappers in hipster clothes
i wanna see preps in grungy clothes
mixed and matched to the individual's style sensibilities..
Not the 'new' or 'next' anybody just you...
Who says it has to be perfect
Who says it has to match
Why should it appear to make sense all so someone can 'love it'
I have a profound respect for people who express themselves without compromise
that's why i opt for Street Style instead of Runway
I appreciate the allure of regular people doing 'them'
In this culture where people 'DIE' over thousand dollar shoes
it is refreshing to see the antithesis of that ... it is the girl you want to be, the girl without a stylist, who probably charity shopped her entire outfit but still exude that 'thing'..that's what pumps my heart, not images of couture dresses that most people will never afford .
I like to see people, not the people they are dressed as, if i wanted to see another Rhianna i will look at the real one....lets leave the 'literal flattery' for costume parties or haloween...
My response:
I love it! I think it's so important for people to know that fashion and style are so entirely different, and that dressing the way YOU want, the way that materializes you're personality, and even ur beliefs, is what's important. I've seen people whose outfits I would NEVER wear and whose style is so different than mine but I couldn't stop looking at them because how they were dressed was so unique and it looked completely RIGHT on them, you could look at them and see that it fit their aura.
I especially love the part about rappers in hipster clothes. One of the most attractive things is to see a black male wearing something that the typical black male wouldn't, especially hipster or rockstar clothes (lets not forget those nerds with swag!). I love when a a guy can step out of the box that society, his culture, and more immediately, his friends, tell him that he belongs in and should stick to.
I must say I am a fan of runway fashions, particularly the more creatively done pieces that are more artistic than functional. But indeed, sometimes it is like, who can actually afford those prices?! LOL