Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Something Old, Something New

They say "you don't know where you're going if you don't know where you're coming from." I never thought this adage would apply to fashion. It's wonderful to purchase something new and fresh that's in style, but what's even better is when you find something from decades ago that embodies everything that is now, the history behind the garment turns into a keepsake and in your heart it will never go out of style. (Plus, you can save a bundle!)

During  a recent visit to a relative's house my cousin showed me this baby that her mother wore in the 80s:

I fell  IN LOVE with it! So Samantha from Sexy and the City (the movie) in current with the sleeves and pleated tail. My goal is to find something like this and have it tailored. I've never vintage shopped or thrifted but I think that I've really missed out on that aspect of fashion. Everything doesn't always have to be brand-spanking new to be fashionable, that's what alterations and reconstruction is for. And any true fashionista knows that there is a difference between being fashionable, and being trendy and stylish.

Sidebar about the pleated tail in the above picture: When I was looking for my winter coat I knew that I wanted something that I wouldn't see on anybody else and so I went to (read previous post to learn more about this site) because they also have styles that aren't widely available, or at all, in the states, and for much cheaper. I purchased the below coat:

Gorgeous right? And it looks even better on. Click here to see a model working the runway in it. I've gotten tons of compliments on it (oddly enough it's a huge hit with guys, go figure) and "where did you get it?" questions. Perk: I tell them where I got it from and they give me looks...perhaps because saying ", it's European website" sounds a bit snobbish?).

ASOS.COM is an awesome site for purchasing well made current trends for a reasonable price.  They literally have HUNDREDS of selections and they also carry petite sizes and some brand names. One perk of the site is that 98% of their clothing have videos have models wearing the clothes on the runway so you can see the items in motion. They even have 4 day express shipping to the USA for only $12 dollars. BUT, be careful when ordering from this site because clothes are in European sizes, which can greatly differ from sizes you in the states. I usually wear a small, but had to order a medium, which are sizes 6 and 10 in Europe, and surprisingly enough I had to send the 6 back for a 10! The 6 fit everywhere but was too tight in the chest area for me because I am a little too blessed in the boob region. The only downfall of the site is that you have to pay return shipping and handling fees yourself, but there is a chance of reimbursement, mainly if the item is faulty or if the sent the wrong item.



  1. What kind of sleeves are on my relative's jacket? The EXACT name.
  2. What time period was the jacket inspired from? And no, it's not just the 80s. As we all know, history does repeat itself.
  3. Which 80s television series really popularized power shoulders?

1 comment:

  1. I do love the pleated tail on that coat so amazing, I'm not a big fan of the pattern though. Asos also feature some great low-key designers on there for example Louise Gray has some great quirky, fun designs.
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