Friday, November 13, 2009

Fashion Flashbacks


Amber Rose (back when she was just Amber lol) and her Wet Seal looking top/dress. Before Forever21 took over Wet Seal was the shhhhhh...I know ya'll remember that!

POSH Powell
Now I don't know if these were only popular in the DMV:

That's right, mini backpacks! Can you say 1996-97? LOL. I had two or three of them, and I carried them both at the same time. I was such a bag lady in middle school. I had my bookbag, a small tote bag, my purse, and the bag with my cd player and CDs...I shudder to think. Like really, what was I doing??? I was literally carrying 13 year old life around. Are people still wearing these somewhere? I'd actually really like to know.

1 comment:

  1. WHAT IN THE HELL?? Lol that's Amber Rose? Where did yall dig this pic up from? lol She has an innocence to her bk then, and HAIR!! And I remember those backpacks, if you didn't have one you were no-one.
