
Amber Rose (back when she was just Amber lol) and her Wet Seal looking top/dress. Before Forever21 took over Wet Seal was the shhhhhh...I know ya'll remember that!
POSH Powell
Now I don't know if these were only popular in the DMV:That's right, mini backpacks! Can you say 1996-97? LOL. I had two or three of them, and I carried them both at the same time. I was such a bag lady in middle school. I had my bookbag, a small tote bag, my purse, and the bag with my cd player and CDs...I shudder to think. Like really, what was I doing??? I was literally carrying 13 year old life around. Are people still wearing these somewhere? I'd actually really like to know.
WHAT IN THE HELL?? Lol that's Amber Rose? Where did yall dig this pic up from? lol She has an innocence to her bk then, and HAIR!! And I remember those backpacks, if you didn't have one you were no-one.